do we do?

Training services
We believe that continuous learning makes people and companies more competitive.
Our courses:
- Leadership (take control of processes and preparation for new leaders)
- time management
- Human Resources
- Employability talks and workshops
- Team Building (improves the performance of the work team)
- Communication (learn to use all communication tools to be more assertive)
- Human Development (improves human capital)
- Courses and training tailored to the needs of each company
- Productivity trainings (to improve performance)
- Fair and inclusive employability talks
Recruitment and selection services
We know how to search, evaluate and present the candidates that best fit the positions and the culture of the client company.
Likewise, we work closely with our clients and build a long-term bond that allows us a growing understanding of their culture and needs.
We have a technological platform that optimizes processes and thus leads us to find the most appropriate candidate.

Administrative and payroll management
Having a properly managed payroll will allow you to have a large number of benefits. You will be able to be clear about the salary and wage obligations of each of your employees, reducing errors when making payments.
Apply the correct withholdings and without costly mistakes or fines that can be obtained by improperly performing the procedure due to lack of knowledge.
Certify the payments that your business makes by payroll to state entities in order to obtain deductions in taxes related to the utility of your company.
Control each part of the process with the reports generated in each of them.
Optimize your time as an entrepreneur to dedicate yourself to generating opportunities.
Staffing services
Temporary hiring solutions give your company flexibility in situations where workload and other considerations require it. Our task is to provide companies with the necessary support to cover vacations, temporary contracts, extended licenses, seasonal jobs and work peaks.
In this way, the associated benefits are: reduce personnel costs, reduce unemployment liability, control benefit costs, meet project deadlines, minimize occupational risks, among others.